Tuesday, March 29, 2011


"There is magic in the air."

"I have heard of white magic and black magic. Pink magic?"

"Magic that is delicious, pretty and healthy food for the heart and soul. "

"Ok. So what about it?"

"It tastes like warm, fluffy, soft, pink cotton candy. I am in a mood to dream now." "Hmmm…you mean day dream?"


"But you can’t control dreams. They operate on a sub conscious level."

"They can be controlled. That’s why I said there is magic in the air."

"Really? Wow. But, I still get my nightmares."

"Have faith. Take notice. Love back."

"Hmm…with all this magic, do you plan to become a pink witch?"

"Of course not! You know how hard I have tried to not cast a spell."

"Why do they get bewitched? Again and again.”

"It’s not me. It’s the pink magic hovering over my head."

"Hovering? I thought you have desired it all your life."

"Right now, it desires me."

"Let’s run to daddy in the night."