Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Peeping Toms

“Eve, what is happening outside?”
“I have no idea. Though I suspect we have an Adam on the run.”

“So why has it become so noisy suddenly?”
“It’s because lot’s of Adams have noisy telescopes.”

“ Is it fun using a telescope?”
“You bet. God gave us eyes that think and a brain that sees.”

“So do you enjoy it too?”
“No. I came to the Garden because it’s the only place where telescopes have the option to have a silencer. Then, it doesn’t make any noise.”

“ So what will happen now?”
“Umm…nothing. Some people will have cerebral sex and will rush towards the cigarette store for a post coital puff.”

“Oh. The cigarette store is selling noisy telescopes. It’s a circle.”
“You got it finally. Now let me enjoy my smoke. Phew.”


CHEERS to LIFE!! said...

god!! why did i quit smoking.....

the big fish said...


Always a pleasure reading here. Makes it feel like you are right beside me.

Eve said...

@Cheers: Good question. why did u quit?
@Fish: Thanx. It always feels nice that some words matter.